1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Tiger King

Doc Antle MBTI性格类型


"Doc Antle是什么人格? Doc Antle是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sp/so - 836,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Type 3 fits with him very well, throughout the show, and especially in the few podcasts that I've watched him in, he sells himself and his business on every possible occasion he can. He's very perfectionistic in the image that he puts forward of himself, wanting to appear supremely ethical and having a robust, almost hero like work ethic. His 8 is quite clear, he denies any allegations of sleeping with his female workers, or the recent wildlife trafficking indictment--his denial is always hard lined, borderline scoffing at even the thought of a possibility he could lower himself to such an act (also present in his denial of tiger cubs). Besides being a big name-dropper, he implies that the Tiger King docu. was full of twisted truths, distorting many things about his business, other that it is the 'Ritz-Carlton' for wildlife. "I spent my entire life being a professional promoting the welfare and conservation of big cats" "That's why 25 million people follow us on social media, because of the incredible content we have"

