8F MBTI性格类型


"8F是什么人格? 8F是MBTI中的ESFP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sp/sx - 784,五大类型中的,Socionics中ESE类型。"

She is "The Gambler", a risk-taker who likes to challenge herself and ignore danger. She possesses extraordinary luck, always overcoming all challenges spectacularly. However, Ti PoLR makes her careless of rules and likes to break all limits. 8F and sx8 are like proud queens, roaming around in the chaotic world they themselves created, not caring at all about the consequences for others. edit: SX8 tends to oppose strong society. People of this extra are provocative people, expressing desire through public rebellion - through verbal declaration and act that their values are different from the standard, in addition to being the most rebellion in eight categories, interesting things I am also the most emotional person as the most emotional person as the end of the 1. SX8 is frank, rebellious, like it is considered a bad guy - or at least they don't mind about it - and she tends to not feel guilty about the rebellion things that I do, going against the convention or do not respect rules and laws almost a proud problem for sexual gender.

