1. 名人和角色
  2. 历史
  3. Historical Figures (1300s)

Ashikaga Takauji MBTI性格类型


"Ashikaga Takauji是什么人格? Ashikaga Takauji是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中EIE类型。"


Ashikaga Takauji (足利 尊氏, August 18, 1305 – June 7, 1358) was the founder and first shōgun of the Ashikaga shogunate. His rule began in 1338, beginning the Muromachi period of Japan, and ended with his death in 1358. He was a male-line descendant of the samurai of the (Minamoto) Seiwa Genji line (meaning they were descendants of Emperor Seiwa) who had settled in the Ashikaga area of Shimotsuke Province, in present-day Tochigi Prefecture. According to Zen master and intellectual Musō Soseki, who enjoyed his favor and collaborated with him, Takauji had three qualities. First, he kept his cool in battle and was not afraid of death. Second, he was merciful and tolerant. Third, he was very generous with those below him.
