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Ignore Their Feelings MBTI性格类型

Ignore Their Feelings MBTI性格类型 image


"Ignore Their Feelings是什么人格? Ignore Their Feelings是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/so - 513,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中类型。"

As the title says... Most likely to ignore "their" feelings. My guess is that it would have to be somebody who has their Fi really, really low, as well as Fe. Except the Fe would have to be above, because it's less individualistic and more detached. This removes the feeling types out of the game, because they're... more inclined to feelings on average? And if it's low-Fe above low-Fi, XXTJs are also a "no". They might be quite pissed off and react rather easily if you go against them in a way... And now this leaves us with the XXTP types. But because ENTPs and ESTPs tend to be more expressive and atmospherical, they are usually less likely to keep their emotions inside (This reminds me of the scenario during elementary school a few years ago when an ESTP from my class started to shed tears in order to pass into the 8th grade). Anyways... Overall, i think that an INTP would actually be more focused on their feelings than an ISTP, due to their more frequent contemplation moments and less focus on the reality and dealing with situations. An ISTP would likely prevent their conscience from biting them more easily and realistically approach their troubles. I guess. INTP: "I really should focus on my homework instead of the internet. Uh... Why am i still doing this? I know it's wrong but what can i do..." ISTP: "Whatever".

