Tōji Suzuhara MBTI性格类型


"Tōji Suzuhara是什么人格? Tōji Suzuhara是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Toji is 17 years old and still part of NERV, now NERV Japan. His severed limbs were to be replaced by new ones grown from his body cells. This was however canceled as Bardiel's infection was detected and thus he was granted with mechanical limbs instead. His relation with Hikari has reached a point where they now kiss each other and he serves as a big brother figure for Rei Six. Toji shows himself to be a reliable field agent and right hand to now Commander Misato Katsuragi. When Misato herself falls into a trap in an attempt to learn Kaji's fate, Toji is promoted to Acting Deputy Commander, in succession to previous title holder Kōzō Fuyutsuki three years before. He's promoted to Deputy Commander after Misato goes missing.

类似Tōji Suzuhara的文学角色

