Park Seo-Kyung MBTI性格类型


"Park Seo-Kyung是什么人格? Park Seo-Kyung是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

I think she's a Te-dom. Wants power and recognition, at any cost. I don't see Fi-aux, to be honest. In fact, she displays a classic case of inferior Fi: snappy and tyrannical against anyone who she perceives as a threat to her goals, trying to get her way at any cost. Not sure if Si-aux or Ni-aux, but she displays a lack of foresight in her actions and goals (wants to replace the queen, even if that may be disastrous to the kingdom, and is definitely not prepared for the position). I don't think she's E2. She doesn't want to be loved, she wants power and status.


类似Park Seo-Kyung的网漫角色
