Lü Dongbin (吕洞宾) MBTI性格类型
Lü Dongbin (796 CE – 1016 CE) is a legendary Chinese scholar and poet who lived during the Tang dynasty. His lifetime supposedly spanned two hundred and twenty years. Elevated to the status of an immortal in the Chinese cultural sphere by Daoists, he is one of the most widely known of the group of deities known as the Eight Immortals. Lü is also a historical figure and mentioned in the official history book History of Song. He is widely considered to be one of the earliest masters of neidan, or internal alchemy. He is also depicted in art dressed as a scholar carrying a sword to dispel evil spirits.
Chang'e (嫦娥)
Mazu (媽祖)
Erlang Shen (二郎神)
Guanyin (觀音)
Houyi (后羿)
Nüwa (女媧)
Fuxi (伏羲)
Shennong, the Yan Emperor (神農/炎帝)