Silver MBTI性格类型


"Silver是什么人格? Silver是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - so/sp - 612,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中SEI类型。"

tbh I don’t think he’s an ISTJ, I’m actually considering ISFJ (or maybe even ISTP). He’s incredibly disconnected from external logic to the point thats his main shtick. He’s always the character that people thinks as calm headed and structured (Si-Te) only for him to do something weird by following his own weird logic (Ti) confusing people. His dynamic with Jamil is a huge hint that he isn’t a Te-Fi user. In the Halloween event, Jamil focuses a lot on getting the job done: escaping, getting the shards, etc. meanwhile Silver is more all over the place and would prioritize other things than completing the task itself. When taking the shards from the ghosts, Jamil doesn’t care at all for said ghosts and only cares getting the shards itself using whatever means necessary (Te). Silver on the other hand, prioritizes being diplomatic and considerate to the ghosts and has to reframe things into his own logic and Fe values aka doing mental gymnastics for him to agree to do things Jamil’s way (showing his lack of Te) even then with hesitance. (friendly reminder his most important loved ones are kidnapped quite possibly in danger yet he still values being considerate of others ghosts in this case showing his Fe over Fi) I also think Sebek and Silver’s rivalry is a good case of Te vs Fe conflict. Sebek always prioritizes external logic, he needs to protect Malleus at all costs no ifs no buts and would disregard Malleus’s feelings on the matter. Silver on the other hand, is considerate of Malleus’s feelings and acknowledges that he might not like having someone 24/7 with him at all times even if it means not fully fulfilling his duty. I should also add he has trouble ordering and leading people and asks Azul (another Te user) for help, although it was revealed its due to his sleeping tendencies, it’s obvious he’s no natural. I don’t think I need to mention he’s a huge family guy, not to say Te users cant be one but Silver mostly focus on his relationship and connection with the diasomnia members it’s literally ALL he ever talks about and lives for. He cares about them so much esp Lilia that I don't think he's in touch with himself. I think we have yet to see him make a decision that isn't based on the three of them or on others, he devoted his life entirely for Lilia and Malleus. Silver trains to be a good escort not because he thinks its objectively the right thing to do and be (see sebek), but because he feels indebted to both Malleus and Lilia, he’s using his relationship as a driving force which is why when talking about them he focuses more towards this aspect: what they’ve done together, the connection they had, what they’ve influenced in him, etc. compare this to Sebek (Fi) who focuses a lot more on his own feelings: his love and admiration for Wakasama, his own devotion, etc. His Halloween SSR story is a huge hint for Si-Fe, realizing things are not always going to be the way it always has and that he might lose his relationship with the diasomnia quartet one day and how much he dreads it happening. The fact that it just occurred to him now that things may change in relationships is a very huge nod to Si and his lack of intuition. Of course, since chapter 7 has not released yet we still has yet to see him in his full potential but the way things are heading he’s most likely on the Fe-Ti axis rather than Te-Fi, there’s more instances of him showing Fe-Ti over Te-Fi that would be too much too explain in depth (His Lab Story where he ditches his work for the sake of finding a cure for his sleeping condition, His dynamic with Riddle in masterchef, etc) I think he seems ISTJ like because he’s an example of an ISFJ with equal Fe and Ti or even higher Ti, if he ends up being one since most are uwu mothering types he would be a breath of fresh air to ISFJs. Though, I might redo my argument once chapter 7 comes out.


Silver (シルバー) is a second-year student in Diasomnia who guards Malleus like a knight. Though normally taciturn and composed, he occasionally appears to be very drowsy.
