Linda Darnell MBTI性格类型


"Linda Darnell是什么人格? Linda Darnell是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Linda Darnell (born Monetta Eloyse Darnell; October 16, 1923 – April 10, 1965) was an American actress. Darnell progressed from modeling as a child to acting in theater and film. At the encouragement of her mother, she made her first film in 1939, and appeared in supporting roles in big-budget films for 20th Century Fox throughout the 1940s. She co-starred with Tyrone Power in adventure films, and established a main character career after her role in Forever Amber (1947). She won critical acclaim for her work in Unfaithfully Yours (1948) and A Letter to Three Wives (1949). (From Wikipedia).

类似Linda Darnell的流行文化名人
