Specimen 8 MBTI性格类型


"Specimen 8是什么人格? Specimen 8是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - so/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

From the game over poem it is amplys that he wants to keep children happy meaning that he what’s to keep the harmony with his children and if you try to disrupt that you die so I could kinda understand the Ni-fe stack the reason think the reason he’s Ni dom and not Fe dom is because like mentioned earlier he try’s take control over the chaos by try to absorb the soul of the “victim” and feed you to his children. As for the enneagram I’m going on a whim and say 5w6????????? (Edit): 2w1 makes more since actually


"And I saw, from eyes that were not mine. And I felt, with a fear I could not reason. They watch us, they invade us. And keep us happy, committing treason. To a King we didn't deserve. To a Son who waits weeping. That I knew, from knowledge gained while sleeping." A floating figure that appeared in a test chamber a few years after it was filled with what was believed to just be unusually violent deer. Specimen seems to engulf subjects and absorb them into its torso region. Proved extremely effective on violent subjects.

类似Specimen 8的游戏角色
