1. 名人和角色
  2. 历史
  3. Historical Figures (1200s)

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor MBTI性格类型

Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor MBTI性格类型 image


"Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor是什么人格? Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的5w4 - sx/so - 584,五大类型中的SLOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

My favorite historical figure -faked fighting for the crusade, actually engaged in diplomacy with the enemy -had a falcon as a pet -built universities and had a huge library -gathered as many brains as possible to study languages thus contributing to the birth of Italian -(allegedly) put two newborn babies together with no other human contact (except whoever fed them) just to see if they would develop a new language -spoke 6 languages -got the nickname stupor mundi, literally "astonishment of the world". And he really was -basically interested in all kinds of knowledge, from zoology to philosophy I don't have enough info to type him correctly, but I wanted to share these little fun facts that suggest Ne-Ti


Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor and King of Sicily (26 December 1194-13 December 1250), was perhaps the most brilliant and powerful European monarch of the Middle Ages. His immense legacy is matched only by the abiding fascination with his enigmatic and polyhedral personality. His imperial ambitions often brought him into conflict with a pathologically anti-Hohenstaufen papacy. A polyglot and polymath, Frederick was endowed with superlative intellect and charisma, showing keen scientific interest, cultural sophistication and visionary statecraft throughout his reign. His gifts earned him the title “Stupor Mundi” (The Wonder of the World) from contemporaries. Coupled with these high qualities however, Frederick was also cunning, deceitful, autocratic, often cruel, and unfailingly ruthless. As much as he might have been a model for enlightened despotism, Frederick II Hohenstaufen was in many ways a man of his times whose ultimate aim was hegemonic and dynastic supremacy.

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