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Kisaki Chihiro MBTI性格类型

Kisaki Chihiro MBTI性格类型 image


"Kisaki Chihiro是什么人格? Kisaki Chihiro是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - - 386,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

nobody gonna check this either but still commenting LOL chihi’s ni and te is really strong but i think you should also pay attention to his other functions because there’s no way chihi has inferior fi the guy literally decided on a school revolution because of his own values (that people should be rewarded based on their hard work and not their family status and he recruited unit members with similar values as him) and im pretty sure he fell into a ni-fi loop at some point in the prid’s unit story when he saw hotaru talking with miya and kasumi, chihiro noticed that the way hotaru was talking to the two in a very friendly way. in a ni-fi loop, people tend to over analyze situations and consider how it impacts them personally. Instead of considering that hotaru and miya + kasumi are in the same class, he assumed that once prid’s is done with their goal that hotaru will leave for hotblood based on how hotaru acted with them in comparison to prid’s, and this bummed chihi out for a while.


类似Kisaki Chihiro的游戏角色
