Clan Ventrue MBTI性格类型


"Clan Ventrue是什么人格? Clan Ventrue是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - so/sp - 385,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

The self-proclaimed leaders of vampire society. A head filled with a strive to get to the top. Viewed as business people they know how to get things done even if they seem immoral. ENTJ Te-Ni-Se-Fi a very logical business sense. there are some who display feelings such as frustration very apparently (cough Sebastian LaCroix cough) but their other functions are stronger for the generic Ventrue.


Also known as Blue Bloods, the Ventrue are natural leaders, and as such, they believe it is their duty to rule. It is no surprise that they were the most influential clan in the forming of the Camarilla. Because of this, they are some of the strongest supporters of the sect in the modern nights, and tend to have a skill for management and leadership that is hard to match. After all, a strong organization needs a strong leader to survive. Weakness: Any given Ventrue becomes obsessed with a certain "flavor" of human blood; examples include virgins, blond men, children, drug users... Ventrue cannot drink any human blood save for that which they choose at creation, even if starving, nor animal blood (unless they choose that). Vampire blood is not affected.

类似Clan Ventrue的游戏角色
