Popular MBTI性格类型


"Popular是什么人格? Popular是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - so/sx - 379,五大类型中的SCUAN,Socionics中ESE类型。"

To those people saying all EXFX's are popular let me just say that probably the EXFX type that is the LEAST likely to be popular is the ENFP for well yknow obvious reasons. And I'd actually argue that also the ESFP's also get how do I say this... Overshadowed due to Fi. If more than anything I feel like in an environment where it is predominantly masculine or yknow "jocky" I'd say ESFJ's and ESTP's tend to be the most popular in men and also the same thing with women. I'm pretty sure it's because of Fe and all and how generally Sensors tend to be looked at and admired more due to (most of the time) athleticsm and yknow attractive physical stuff. And it's just that people value sports more rather than abstract and imagination and such. I am only speaking this from experience in school.

