Karni Ilyas MBTI性格类型


"Karni Ilyas是什么人格? Karni Ilyas是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - - 135,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

ENTJ. Read his biography. Even on TV he often exhibits strong Extraverted Thinking (Te) and Introverted Intuition (Ni) in his argumentations. And this man does not exhibit Fe. He is really a typical ENTJ.


Sukarni Ilyas (born in Balingka, Agam, West Sumatra, 25 September 1952), commonly known as Karni Ilyas, is a prominent Indonesian journalist and host. Karni was a journalist for Tempo Magazine, and later became a managing editor there. In 1999, he started working as editor-in-chief for TV news program Liputan 6 SCTV, and then ANTV, before leading TV One. He reached mainstream popularity as a host of Indonesia Lawyers Club program (previously Jakarta Lawyers Club).
