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Ao Lie "Bái Lóng Mǎ" MBTI性格类型

Ao Lie "Bái Lóng Mǎ" MBTI性格类型 image


"Ao Lie "Bái Lóng Mǎ"是什么人格? Ao Lie "Bái Lóng Mǎ"是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的2w1 - sp/so - 629,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

INFJs can’t be 2w1 it’s a contradiction… in socionics, it’s possible for INFJs to be 1w2 EIE if they value Fe. I don’t see him being a 1w2. If he’s an INFJ, he’s not a 2. Honestly this dude is totally ISFJ with that typology. Being so/sx 3 2w1 is also a contradiction of itself. (To be a 2w1 he’d also be so/sx 2, or to be so/sx 3 he’d be a 3w2) . But if you think he’s an enneagram 2 vote ISFJ cus how are you gonna tell me he is so/sx 3 2w1… THIS IS AN ISFJ THEN (2 or 3 is ISFJ coded, dawg). 629 maybe possible for INFJ I GUESS, BUT this would make him a so/sx 6 6w7/6w5 This dude might ACTUALLY be an ISFJ but I know people like that he looks like an INFJ


Ao Lie, also known as the White Horse Dragon, is a member of the Dragon Clan.
