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Strong Girl, Smart Guy MBTI性格类型

Strong Girl, Smart Guy MBTI性格类型 image


"Strong Girl, Smart Guy是什么人格? Strong Girl, Smart Guy是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的8w7 - sx/sp - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

i want an ISTP woman to beat me up for beating her at chess


Virtually everyone loves badass female characters. Whether they are an Amazonian Beauty, a Lady of War, a Glacier Waif, or a Kick Chick, it's immense fun watching an Action Girl at work. However, she can't be good at everything, as that would end up rather boring. If a writer wants to give an Action Girl a partner in asskicking or even a Love Interest, but wants him to be more than just a Satellite Character, he can be given a skill set that complements her combat prowess, making him the smart guy. He needn't be a Non-Action Guy, but he is defined far more by his intellect than his fighting abilities. In short, another take on The Smart Guy and The Big Guy (or in this case, The Big Gal).
