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Fraser Wilson MBTI性格类型


"Fraser Wilson是什么人格? Fraser Wilson是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的4w5 - sx/sp - 469,五大类型中的RLUEI,Socionics中SEI类型。"

Fraser is one of those character whose type I don’t think I could ever confuse for another type. In someways, he is the poster child of all (unhealthy) ISFP 4w5s. I want to say he reminds me of Holden (from Catcher In The Rye) except in the context of the 21st Century. What makes me think he is an ISFP is that he undoubtedly uses Fi. The way he goes about his day is seemingly careless, and does follow a Fe or Te process. An argument for Ti can be made, but the truth is he isn’t very detached from his decision. Everything he does is very personal. I can see him using Ne, but I don’t think he uses it as much as Se. He seems to be engaging with every object he can grab ahold of, he loves doing things (opposed to aux-Ne who typically choose mental challenges). As for his enneagram, there’s not much to be said. His Fi is amplified by his enneagram 4 which makes his very local and very abrupt. Which is most of the conflict he has between other people.


Portrayed by #JackDylanGrazer.
