Lucy MBTI性格类型


"Lucy是什么人格? Lucy是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的8w9 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的RLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

A lot of unhealthy Fi in the first few chapters before she starts to change. I do believe Taeshi/Veronica mentioned something about Lucy being an ISTP at some point on the blog (correct me if I'm wrong), but I don't really see any Ti in her at all, much less dominant Ti. She seems to be developing her functions in a much healthier way though. Not quite sure for her temperament blend. I first thought phlegmatic-choleric but she seems more choleric-melancholic to me (not just saying that because "wah shes depressed"). I'm open to other guesses though.



