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Philip Guy MBTI性格类型


"Philip Guy是什么人格? Philip Guy是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/so - 962,五大类型中的RLOAI,Socionics中类型。"

i can’t see ISFJ at all. even pre “timeskip” his personality displayed a clear usage of Fi (almost thought he was INFP) and even tho his Si definitely developed now he’s still very clearly a Fi user. I also can’t think of a single moment where he showed any use of Ti at all about 9w1: ‘They desire peace, both internally and externally. Their type one wing encourages them to make their idealized, peaceful world a reality. 9w1s defend themselves by participating heavily in routine to distract themselves and avoid negative emotions.’ As we can see for example when Dave leaves without an explanation, despite continuously trying to reach for him, philip doesn’t let the negative emotions get a hold of him and sticks to his job as a manager religiously, almost as if he wants to drown his emotions by sticking to his routine

