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Ririka MBTI性格类型


"Ririka是什么人格? Ririka是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

correct me if im wrong since im definitely not an enneagram expert: her lore puts a lot of emphasis on her dissatisfaction with her fame etc. shes hates feeling like shes the second choice or the runner up and this makes her feel very conflicted and less purposeful. its made clear that shes quite obsessive in regards to her image which makes her want to be the best at things. this is paired with her desire to help, inspire, and be loved by people/fans (2 wing?) this makes me think shes a coretype 3 with a 2 wing, and not the other way around

