Lan Wangji MBTI性格类型


"Lan Wangji是什么人格? Lan Wangji是MBTI中的ISTJ人格类型,九型中的1w9 - sp/sx - 164,五大类型中的RCOEN,Socionics中LSI类型。"

To all the INxJ voters: there’s no way this man is Si blind and Se inferior. His life is enclosed in a box of rules, and he’s fine with it, he doesn’t question it, he actually enjoys the daily routine he’s trapped in. Without Wei Wuxian in the picture, he would have probably kept spending his days like he used to. His Si is so high that when Wei Wuxian started forcefully making his way through Lan Wangji’s comfort zone he panicked and felt uneasy. The contrast between Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian is the natural and fascinating contrast between two opposed dominant functions: Si (Lan Zhan, ISTJ) VS Ne (Wei Ying, ENTP). Moreover, there’s no hint of him using Ni, or at least I don’t remember him using it at all. He’s not a big picture thinker, he’s not strategic, nor symbolic in speech. He’s practical, down-to-earth and loyal to the person he cares about the most. He starts questioning his choice of life and his own beliefs only after falling in love with Wei Ying, and briefly before Wei Ying’s death (in the novel it’s better explained in order to highlight the romance between the MCs) we can see Lan Zhan’s Ne, which was neglected for most of his life, taking the lead and making him fall into a Ne grip: he lost self-discipline and analysed all the possible patterns to save Wei Ying, even though he had to deny loyalty to his own clan and disregard any logical thought in the matter. Thus, he became impulsive, unable to bring order among the many possibilities (Ne), since he neglected his main function (Si) and came out of his shell and comfort zone. 100% ISTJ, and I’ve never been so sure of a typing before.


The second young master of the main Lan family. Together with his older brother Lan Xichen, they are called the Twin Jades of Lan. He ranks second on the list of the top five cultivator gentlemen of his and Wei Wuxian's generation, and has an excellent reputation as a heroic cultivator for "being where the chaos is". Wei Wuxian remembers that they never got along, especially after he founded demonic cultivation. Of course, people change with time, but he is rapidly finding out that the "Lan Zhan" from his youth has changed a lot since he died...
