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Banri Settsu MBTI性格类型

Banri Settsu MBTI性格类型 image


"Banri Settsu是什么人格? Banri Settsu是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的3w2 - so/sp - 378,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

hi guys it's me again. Please read this blurb about 3 integration to 6: "3s, Rather than having to be the star who dazzles everybody, They are able to be more authentically self-revealing. Average Threes feel as if they have to make it on their own in life and so they work extremely hard to stand out as a winner. Integrating Threes, however, have the courage and self-esteem to ask for help and support when they need it. This does not come easily for a type that feels intense pressure to have their act together all the time and accomplish their goals with little or no help from anyone." "he doesn't rly work hard to stand out as a winner" yes he does, in his own way. He acts like everything is easy as a twisted way to get attention. He's all about maintaining that image of Super Ultra Easy Mode that would effectively make him the "winner" in his life. Shameless plug, but I have a thread on Banri that talks about perhaps lesser-known things about him that provide insight into his personality: https://twitter.com/guy_reni/status/1249070755180134400?s=20

