1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Galerians: Ash

Lilia Pascalle MBTI性格类型

Lilia Pascalle MBTI性格类型 image


"Lilia Pascalle是什么人格? Lilia Pascalle是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的6w5 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Lilia's the least fleshed out main character, I wonder if anything was lost in translation but I suspect INFJ. I see Ni>Fe and Ti>Se. Her first action after Rion died was to "immediately cryogenically preserve him" (as she put it) and focuses entirely the next few years on bringing him back, then to use him against Ash. It's clear she feels guilt from this, knowing that she's going against his wishes where he believes he's at peace when truly dead, but the goal towards the future of humanity takes priority for her. 6 wing makes sense for that line of thinking as well; since I would also say 5w6 > 6w5, she strikes me more as someone who would feel useless without her unparalleled knowledge on Dorothy and the Galerians instead of someone who immediately would retreat into security for her survival alone, she dies 2 years after Ash because she refused to become non-human which would've extended her life, she feels that her work on this world is done. Her telepathy is basically just turning Fe into a game mechanic, considering how she explains it as well ("It's as if we are connected. If you suffer, I too suffer") she can use this ability to work with Rion but she is also capable of weaponizing it too, like in her encounter with Rita. Unfortunately we don't really get anything which gives us her internal thoughts to analyze how she comes to her conclusions so I'll have to go with Ti = she is le epic scientist and does le epic experiments and is smart and math sorry. Inf Se as she rarely confronts anyone physically or used her surroundings to her advantage in moments of sudden conflict, she also couln't get past the "intricate guard program" in her first and only attempt to retrieve Rion's data herself.


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