1. 名人和角色
  2. 电视
  3. Batwoman

Kate Kane MBTI性格类型


"Kate Kane是什么人格? Kate Kane是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的1w9 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中SEI类型。"

I don't agree with the people that think Batwoman is the absolute worst superhero show ever made, but I do think Kate's character is really, really bland. I haven't read about her in the comics but I figured she'd be really different in there because her comics line is actually successful. Seeing that this version of Kate is listed as ISFP and the comics Kate is listed as ENTJ it seems I was right. Too much emphasis was placed on her being gay so that her character development completely and utterly failed.


