Boudicca MBTI性格类型


"Boudicca是什么人格? Boudicca是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的8w9 - sx/so - 836,五大类型中的SLUEN,Socionics中类型。"

what an absolute badass. W


Boudica was a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the conquering forces of the Roman Empire in AD 60-61. Boudica led the Iceni, the Trinovantes, and others in the destruction of Camulodunum (modern Colchester). Upon hearing of the revolt, Suetonius hurried to Londinium (modern London), but lacked sufficient numbers to defend the settlement, so he evacuated and abandoned it. Boudica defeated a detachment of Legio IX Hispana and burned Londinium and Verulamium. Suetonius, meanwhile, regrouped his forces, possibly in the West Midlands; despite being heavily outnumbered, he decisively defeated the Britons. The crisis caused Nero to consider withdrawing all Roman forces from Britain, but Suetonius' victory over Boudica confirmed Roman control of the province. Boudica died shortly after the failure and was said to have poisoned herself.

