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  3. Epithet Erased

Giovanni Potage MBTI性格类型

Giovanni Potage MBTI性格类型 image


"Giovanni Potage是什么人格? Giovanni Potage是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的3w2 - so/sx - 378,五大类型中的SLUAI,Socionics中EIE类型。"

Giovanni is not a Ne dom. The entirety of the series is as "whacky" as he is, and even if it wasn't being "quirky" doesn't make you a Ne dom. Also, anything thats Ne about him is just his backwards way of trying to look cool. Not something pulled from a place of Ne, and instead his Fe and 3w2-ness. From personal experience Ne feels like being able to perceive everything there is to perceive everywhere at once, and then discovering the links that pull them together afterwards. Just look at the difference between how Molly and him solve problems. Molly uses her aux Ne quite efficiently, if Giovanni was a Ne dom he'd be creating his own schemes like this and even adding onto Molly's schemes in a similar fashion.


A recently promoted Captain in the Banzai Blasters, who broke into the Sweet Jazz Museum with no real goal besides "stealing artifacts". Despite being a self-proclaimed evil villain, he's actually very kind and compassionate, especially toward his minions, and he and Molly quickly become friends after getting to know one another. After the events of the Sweet Jazz Museum, he heads over to Red Wood Run, igniting the plot of season one's second arc. There, he realizes the Banzai Blasters are full of jerks and bullies and leaves the group, deciding instead to strike out as villain on his own instead. His epithet, "Soup", creates...well, soup. He's equipped with a bat with a knife taped to it and backed up by a small crew of fellow Banzai Blasters to make up for this. Giovanni's Stats: Stamina: Lv. 1 ★★★☆☆ Proficiency: Lv. 1 ★★☆☆☆ Creativity: Lv. 1 ★★★★★
