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Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS) MBTI性格类型

Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS) MBTI性格类型 image


"Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS)是什么人格? Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS)是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - - 729,五大类型中的SCOAI,Socionics中类型。"

I actually didn't remember their 16p results at all and I was confused why most of their types didn't really make sense to me and turns out it's because everyone has been typed as their 16p result except Hwanwoong who got ISTP, but is voted as ESTP here (which is why I decided to comment on his profile lol). So, now I'm like really confused if people actually think that their results were accurate cognitive function wise or if they just voted based on the 16p results. I highly doubt Geonhak being an ISFP and Dongju ESFJ. I think Seoho could really be an INTP, but I often kinda question that as well. I do think that Keonhee's result was accurate and that he really is an ENFP. As for Youngjo, I'm not sure tbh. If anyone wants to discuss, I would love to.


Yeo Hwanwoong (born August 26, 1998) is a main dancer and sub-vocalist of Korean boy group ONEUS.

类似Yeo Hwanwoong (ONEUS)的KPOP名人
