1. 名人和角色
  2. 科学
  3. Physics & Astronomy

Abdul Ahad Mohmand MBTI性格类型

Abdul Ahad Mohmand MBTI性格类型 image


"Abdul Ahad Mohmand是什么人格? Abdul Ahad Mohmand是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的5w6 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Abdul Ahad Mohmand (Pashto: عبدالاحد مومند‎; born January 1, 1959) is a former Afghan Air Force aviator who became the first Afghan and fourth Muslim to journey to outer space. He became one of Soyuz TM-6 crew members and spent nine days aboard the Mir space station in 1988 as an Intercosmos Research Cosmonaut. During his nine days stay on the Mir space station, Momand took photographs of his country, participated in astrophysical, medical and biological experiments. He was the first cosmonaut to speak the Pashto language after he made a telephone call to Afghanistan, making it the fourth language to be officially spoken in space. Following the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan, Mohmand decided to emigrate to Germany in 1992 and applied for asylum there, becoming a German citizen in 2003.
