Yoshiko Sawara MBTI性格类型


"Yoshiko Sawara是什么人格? Yoshiko Sawara是MBTI中的人格类型,九型中的 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Yuuta and Yuri's paternal aunt and family representative for the latter during her and Shingo's "funeral". Yoshiko acts as a mediator. When Yuuta and Yuri's parents died she offered Yuri to have Yuuta taken care of by their relatives, but she stubbornly insists on raising him by herself. Despite her misgivings, Yoshiko gives her a chance, and to her surprise, Yuri actually succeeds in raising Yuuta into a fine young man. She would reappear again, this time to deal with Yuri and Shingo's daughters, now in the custody of Yuuta. Like what she did to Yuri years ago, she questions Yuuta's insistence to take care of his nieces by himself, but like last time, she eventually relents and gives him a chance to prove himself as good a parental surrogate as his sister had been to him.

类似Yoshiko Sawara的动漫角色

