1. 名人和角色
  2. 游戏
  3. Edna & Harvey

Edna Konrad MBTI性格类型


"Edna Konrad是什么人格? Edna Konrad是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的7w8 - sp/sx - ,五大类型中的SCUAI,Socionics中ILE类型。"

I loved this game, Edna is very loopy and a kind of alice in wonderland if alice were more sure of herself and had a codependent relationship with the cheshire cat. Harvey is ideological brain parasite that gets her to do what she wants until she wakes up and realises her own agency, which is the 9 quest. The way that weird things do not weird her out on her search for the truth or the solution to the puzzle is also something people with a bunch of convictions about themselves struggle with, the 9 is not that. The whole game of course is Ne land


Edna Konrad is the main protagonist, and a titular character of Edna and Harvey: The Breakout. She later appears as a supporting character in Edna and Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes.
