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  2. 动漫

Sumi Kogami (Es) MBTI性格类型

Sumi Kogami (Es) MBTI性格类型 image


"Sumi Kogami (Es)是什么人格? Sumi Kogami (Es)是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

I’m not 100% sure of INFJ specifically but I know for sure this girl is Ni-Se and Ti-Fe/Fe-Ti and NOT Fi dom Ne aux 😭😭😭 Sumi, both in her main life and even as Es, shows a lot of Ni-Ti. As Es she’s very deductive and follows her logic in what she does. Her decision to tell Touchi to keep the door shut instead of saving her also feels less of her choosing her morals and more of her wanting her image to be retained. I think people are confusing her logic in choosing a verdict as “morals”, when it’s more thinking based, and making connections. She feels more Ni-Se, very using observations of the concrete world to fuel her perception of where the situation is heading (the whole thing about non-interference feels very “ni/se user who has observed things and chooses to let it happen). Okay now that I think about it this is a horrible explanation but honestly I just need someone to explain Fi-Ne 😭


The prison guard of the first MILGRAM novel, given the name Es, real name Kogami Sumi.
