1. 名人和角色
  2. 文学
  3. Warbel Eng. Cryptograph

Erol Turing "Capricornus" MBTI性格类型

Erol Turing "Capricornus" MBTI性格类型 image


"Erol Turing "Capricornus"是什么人格? Erol Turing "Capricornus"是MBTI中的INFJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sx/sp - 592,五大类型中的RLOAI,Socionics中ILI类型。"


Erol serves as both the deuteragonist in the Joy Tuankotta and protagonist in his own Lore: "Erol Turing; Cryptograph". He possesses a personality that is highly dedicated to anything that can benefit him, particularly in material terms. He was recognized as a genius by his peers during his school days but consistently ranked in the bottom five of his class. Erol was once accused by the government authorities without concrete evidence of hacking into the dome of a powerful nation located 8000 kilometers away from his house. Erol tends to be mysterious, and not many people are acquainted with his personal life. However, his two close friends, Gusti and Maros, mention that Erol is a humorous young man, not as serious as his looks, a loyal friend, and enjoys jokes that may be considered offensive.
