Chess MBTI性格类型


"Chess是什么人格? Chess是MBTI中的INTJ人格类型,九型中的5w6 - sp/so - 583,五大类型中的RCOEI,Socionics中LII类型。"

all right, my arguments have evolved. 1. Si is not about memory. Si tends to recall previous experiences to compare it with present experience to make predictions, so it is subjectifying and defining reality according to their past experiences. Let's say Si is about memory, memory is not gonna save you from a complete new position in move 7. 2. why are peoples not understanding basic concept of chess? it is about reaching specific end goal. it is not detail oriented, "knight moves like this, bishop like this...........". Chess is about having holistic view. it is about knowing how pieces move and projecting it to a favorable condition. You absorb a position (Se) and play what to do with it (Ni). Checker might be more Si (could be wrong i am not the best at it), because you care for each individual pieces, each piece matters. Chess is not like that, chess is about tricking,

