1. 名人和角色
  2. 卡通
  3. Solarballs

MakeMake MBTI性格类型


"MakeMake是什么人格? MakeMake是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的7w6 - - 539,五大类型中的SCOAI,Socionics中类型。"

MakeMake seeks for possibilities and knowledge. His personality revolves around pure curiosity as he’s eager to see what lies ahead and what he’ll learn from it. He loves to learn about everything and everyone around him, forming logic based off everything he takes in. His Ne drives him, while his Ti motivates him. His tertiary Fe kicks in whenever he meets someone he hasn’t met before. He goes straight to asking as many questions that come to his mind to learn as much as he can about them. “Are you twin planets or twin dwarf planets? You seem to be tidally locked.” “Do you know any other planetoid that look like you, cause I have never seen one.” “Haumea, speed it up I have so many more questions to ask you.” “What's it like being a dwarf planet outside the Kuiper belt? Do the gravity fields of the planets impact you? How stable is your orbit? Does the sun even know you're there?” If you compare him to Pluto (who uses Si), you can even see his inferior Si. While Pluto is cautious of his surroundings, concerned about what others think about him, and constantly compares current situations to his past experiences, MakeMake is basically the opposite. He hasn’t shown any signs of being heavily affected by his past like Pluto was, doesn’t care what others think about him, and doesn’t show any concerns on what they might run into. Pluto: “Are you sure this thing is friendly?” MakeMake: “Nope, but hey it’s three of us, right?”


cheerfull nerdy dwarf `planet
