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Sleep in Class MBTI性格类型


"Sleep in Class是什么人格? Sleep in Class是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的9w8 - sp/sx - 954,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中SLI类型。"

INTP? Idk. Supply them with some sort of an interesting concept or question and even thinking about it will keep them from falling asleep. They wouldn't sleep intentionally during the classes either because they would still consider some of the lectures worthy enough to listen to and ponder about them. If anything, they would most likely be falling asleep because they haven't slept enough before the classes started. Meanwhile Se users would begin to feed up with the mundane lectures and wait for the time to pass so that they could focus on something that they find way more exciting and engaging. Falling asleep is just one way of time warping for them. Also it's much harder to grab their interest when the lecturing methods have a whole lot of Si in them.


High school and college students have pretty challenging lives, which can at times wreak havoc on their sleeping schedule. Whether they were up all night angsting about how to approach their first crush, spending all their free time in grueling training, or simply having one too many panicked cram sessions the night before the exam, these people will be forced to go to class the next day with little or no sleep. This often leads to them unintentionally catching up on their rest in the middle of class.
