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Liu Haocun 刘浩存 MBTI性格类型


"Liu Haocun 刘浩存是什么人格? Liu Haocun 刘浩存是MBTI中的ISFP人格类型,九型中的2w3 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Liu Haocun (Chinese: 刘浩存; born 20 May 2000) is an up-and-coming Chinese actress and dancer. She graduated from the Beijing Dance Academy. She's a rookie actress handpicked by the notorious director, Zhang Yimou, making her acting debut in his 2020 film "One Second". Therefore she has been nicknamed as the new "Yimou girl", making the list among Gong Li, Zhang Ziyi, Ni Ni and Zhou Dongyu. In 8 days into its run, "One Second" broke 100 million RMB at the box office
