1. 名人和角色
  2. 超级英雄
  3. Justice League (2001)

Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent) MBTI性格类型

Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent) MBTI性格类型 image


"Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent)是什么人格? Superman (Kal-El / Clark Kent)是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - so/sx - ,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中ESI类型。"

He is typically portrayed as Si (memory) leading + Fe (harmony) creative. That's SEI in socionics and ISFJ in MBTI. As further proof, he has a super ego inter type relation with Batman (an ILI in socionics and INTJ in MBTI).


Superman is the quintessential Cape of the DC Animated Universe. He was a Kryptonian orphan named Kal-El who was launched to Earth as an infant to avoid suffering a cataclysmic death on his home planet of Krypton. His spacecraft landed in a Kansas field, where he was discovered by Jonathan and Martha Kent, who raised the boy as their son under the name "Clark". As Clark matured under Earth's yellow sun, he gained powers. As an adult, he moved to Metropolis to work as a newspaper reporter at the Daily Planet. It was here that he became aware of the corruption and evil in the world, deciding he must use his gifts to right these wrongs and taking the name "Superman" after a story of his deeds is published in the Daily Planet by Lois Lane, who uses the term. After having to work long and hard to regain the world's trust in him as of a result of being brainwashed by Darkseid into leading his second invasion of Earth, Superman was the one who first suggested that he and other superheroes form the Justice League in order to deal with future threats as great as the Imperium. He was shown to be the face of the Justice League as well as the peacemaker for the other members.
