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Ed Sheeran MBTI性格类型


"Ed Sheeran是什么人格? Ed Sheeran是MBTI中的ISFJ人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sx/so - 926,五大类型中的RCOAN,Socionics中SEI类型。"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxDLKVwFQ9Q This is a recent interview, a REALLY GOOD one! :D I'm commenting as I watch it, and I didn't expect it to be so revealing of his personality. I'll write some bullet points • You can clearly see Si + Ti when he describes situations, he explains the dynamics and at the same time adds details and context to what happened. • Fe/Ti is balanced as he effortlessly goes back and forth making "I" statements to "they" statements. Also, he's aware of how he may sounds + self-deprecating with a little intent of humour, like "I'm so hippy when I say...", "I sound so old saying this now" example of this 2 points --> 35:50 - 38 • I feel also that he discovered the Fi in himself. When he eventually acknowledged how he was feeling indulging in bad habits. When he started to schedule his job as an average one, with days off because he saw how that made everything better. And also the sincere and quick writing of his most well-received song. "It's not weird to be like I feel sad today. You need to trust that your friends and family love you and you're not being a burden by seeking out a bit of comfort every now and then". • If we want to explore the Objective Personality method, I'll try to guess and he's also an IxxJ by their standards since he doesn't really do well with chaos and confusion (ex: fear of crowds cos he unconsciously expects something bad will happen - around min 15), also the missing information at 23 min. I'm not totally sure tho 'cos he also said that he'd often indulge in drinking and eating but as now he likes to do things in moderation. He often mentions this, like 3 times, the only timestamp I got is at 38:48. It may be 'cos he was overwhelmed by the new life of touring and concerts so he needed time to adjust? 🤔 (still, Si-Ne axis) Or maybe 'cos it's easy to get into (any) routine? His best advice? "A salad is not something to be scared of" - Ed Sheeran


Edward Christopher Sheeran, (born 17 February 1991) is an English singer, songwriter, guitarist, record producer, and actor. Sheeran was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, and raised in Framlingham, Suffolk. He attended the Academy of Contemporary Music in Guildford as an undergraduate from the age of 18 in 2009.

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