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  3. The West Wing

Josh Lyman MBTI性格类型


"Josh Lyman是什么人格? Josh Lyman是MBTI中的ENTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - - 683,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

I think why I’m voting ENTP is clear, but there have been some debates over enneagram. SO dominant 8s, especially SO/SX, will be very loyal, friendly, and protective, while also leaning towards becoming argumentative when passionate about something. Josh fits this SO well. It is extremely important to look at instincts, as well, since that can distort the way certain enneagram types look. The issues with Josh being a type 6 is that they’re led by fear, which I think Josh very clearly is not. He is predominantly protective and angry when pushed, not fearful, and not even angry as a response to fear. Simply, angry for those who need to be protected, which fits an SO 8 far better than it would any type of 6. If you’re curious about the enneagram/instinct pairings I’d suggest checking out Ashlie Woods website, the info on there is explained very well. I do agree he probably has 6 as one of his fixes, however I don’t think it’s leading.

