Pomba Gira MBTI性格类型


"Pomba Gira是什么人格? Pomba Gira是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sx/sp - 387,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中SEE类型。"


Pomba Gira is the name of an Afro-Brazilian spirit evoked by practitioners of Umbanda and Quimbanda in Brazil. She is the consort of Exu, who is the messenger of the Orixas in Candomblé. Known by many names, or avatars, Pomba Gira is often associated with the number seven, crossroads, graveyards, spirit possession, and witchcraft. While Exu represents male sexuality, fertility and strength, Pomba Gira personifies female sexuality, beauty and desire. She is depicted as a beautiful woman who is insatiable. Pomba Gira is venerated with great respect and care because of her reputation for possessing great wrath. She is often invoked by those who seek aid in matters of the heart and love. Pomba Gira is noted for her connection with both transgender women and effeminate male worshippers and is reputed to possess both. Some representations of Pomba Gira display the characteristics of being promiscuous, talkative and vulgar.

类似Pomba Gira的宗教名人
