Vietnam MBTI性格类型


"Vietnam是什么人格? Vietnam是MBTI中的ISTP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/so - 954,五大类型中的RLOEN,Socionics中类型。"

i was actually gonna come to vote ISTJ but i wanted to reread her strips to make sure and be able to show examples. and after that, i changed my mind lol. i think ISTP still fits vietnam, and i actually thought it fits her current character better. you see she’s very blunt and distant yet not in a way that criticizes the other side. for example, when malaysia asked whether he loved her, she said “i choose to practice my right to remain silent” and backed out of it lolol. i think an ISTJ would take that as an opportunity to point out a flaw or suggest an improvement. and you might think i’m stretching every little thing to come to a conclusion and using too many stereotypes… well of course i am, we have so little content of her😭 we all have to get creative with our typing

