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  3. Mass Effect (Series)

Miranda Lawson MBTI性格类型


"Miranda Lawson是什么人格? Miranda Lawson是MBTI中的ENTJ人格类型,九型中的3w4 - sp/sx - 385,五大类型中的SCOEI,Socionics中LIE类型。"

I see her as an ENTJ. Te ni makes more sense to me


Miranda Lawson is a human Cerberus Officer. Miranda is very well traveled and has many contacts, from Citadel space and the Terminus Systems, to as far as the hostile Nemean Abyss. Her vast network of contacts is due to being a Cerberus operative. Miranda never had a mother, only a father who is extremely influential, wealthy, and ego-maniacal. Using a modified copy of his own genome, Miranda was genetically engineered to be a specimen of human perfection. Everything, from her intelligence, physical constitution, biotic abilities, to her appearance were designed before birth to be excellent. She boasts about being able to shoot a mech's head off from 100 meters away or just as easily crush it with her biotic powers. Miranda also heals faster than other humans and will probably live half a lifespan longer. If accused of being cocky, she retorts that she's only stating the facts. The constant pressure and lack of affection led Miranda to relinquish her privileged lifestyle and run away.

类似Miranda Lawson的游戏角色
