神崎友美 MBTI性格类型


"神崎友美是什么人格? 神崎友美是MBTI中的ESTP人格类型,九型中的8w7 - so/sx - 853,五大类型中的SCUAN,Socionics中SEE类型。"


In Kirino College, she is an admirable (ex)leader, she's tough and never afraid of conflict and always take the lead in fighting when someone needs her. In middle school, although she was seen by adults as a bad child who liked to fight and make troubles, she was actually compassionate and can't stand the bad guys who bully others in school. She often helped the weak. She is very independent, refuses to be influenced by public opinion, and hates those who blindly follow the crowd. But she sometimes seems too stubborn and only believes what she sees, which always leads to some misunderstandings. Rules are not so important to her, she often breaks them. She is cheerful and straightforward, but a little irritable. She likes exciting sports, action movies and food. But she doesn't overindulge in creature comforts and usually mild. She can't understand the meaning of something that has no practical function, and she has little interest in art, but she can appreciate rock.
