Bruce Greenwood MBTI性格类型


"Bruce Greenwood是什么人格? Bruce Greenwood是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的6w7 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Stuart Bruce Greenwood (born August 12, 1956) is a Canadian actor who is very good at playing down-to-earth, normal, everyday characters - characters you could conceivably bump into at the mall or meet in a bar. It's rather ironic, then, that his most famous roles involve him in positions of tremendous power. The quality of his films is hit-or-miss - he's starred in everything from the Lifetime-esque Harlequin TV movie Treacherous Beauties to the charming indie romance The Republic of Love. However, Greenwood is consistently real and wonderful in whatever role he plays - he is frequently the only watchable thing in some of his lesser-quality films. He also starred in the NBC series St. Elsewhere and the UPN series Nowhere Man, and has guest-starred in various television series. Oh, and his voice is very, very sexy. You may have seen him in Eight Below, Rules of Engagement, Ararat, Racing Stripes, and Double Jeopardy, among others. He also does animated voiceovers as Batman.

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