Kokoa Shinomiya MBTI性格类型


"Kokoa Shinomiya是什么人格? Kokoa Shinomiya是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的4w3 - sx/sp - 486,五大类型中的SLUEI,Socionics中ESI类型。"

After reading the New Year UniChØrd event, I'm even more convinced that Kokoa has a really strong Te. Hear me out; she's the only one in the group who questions their last-minute plans, and she's the only one constantly caring about the other members acting 'too wildly.' For her, it really matters what people think about her. She struggled with Michiru's ideas because they were vague for her, and she had trouble focusing on her feelings to find an anchor for the song concept based on them. There's no doubt she's a hard worker, to the point of getting exhausted, with Hayate, of course, worrying about her due to her obsession with surpassing Michiru. She is conscious about the fact that she didn't was born with talent, and that's why she works the most in the group. As I said at first, she's really the only one in the group who has realistic desires and dreams about the unit. But it's also funny how she tries to pursue the dream of the rest of UniChØrd about being the best unit in the universe. So, I'm basing my opinion on the fact that she often is really focused on organization and efficiency, even generating Michiru's fear because of her inefficiency in making the song. She probably struggled to find an emotion as an anchor for the song because she was being realistic about it (even mentioned how she wrote 'Kogetsu'). Her being worried about the group order makes sense because probably she has a concern for maintaining order and structure. Finally, her hard work and obsession with surpassing others and working hard align with Te's goal-oriented nature. That's it. I may be wrong, but I'll update this as soon as there are new UniChØrd events‼️‼️


Her true personality is quite bullish, and the fact that her words contain thorns is proof that she has no guards. She is currently in a relationship with her unit member, Hayate (canon)

类似Kokoa Shinomiya的游戏角色

