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  3. Blasphemous

Crisanta Of The Wrapped Agony MBTI性格类型

Crisanta Of The Wrapped Agony MBTI性格类型 image


"Crisanta Of The Wrapped Agony是什么人格? Crisanta Of The Wrapped Agony是MBTI中的ESTJ人格类型,九型中的6w5 - so/sp - 613,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"

Her Te Is so clear, She uses It to defy the penitent one and call him a heretic which Is something unlike Ti where you question their morale ina situation like this, I think her Si Is where she does stick to what she believes Is true and stay loyal to the miracle and based on being a high ranked knight, She seems to stick with the old information which Is why she didn't question the penitent one while she believed her cause was just and true. Her fi Glows up when the new updates came In with new ending, Where she helps the penitent one and values his trust in order to save cvstodia. I do not know about her Ne much but she sure as hell a well written Te dom user


Crisanta of the Wrapped Agony is a knight devoted to His Holiness Escribar and one of the last bosses in the game. She is seen in front of the gates that lead to Escribar, where she confronts the Penitent One in an effort to stop his journey. When she is defeated, she escapes.

类似Crisanta Of The Wrapped Agony的游戏角色
