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Sirin, Archon of Song MBTI性格类型

Sirin, Archon of Song MBTI性格类型 image


"Sirin, Archon of Song是什么人格? Sirin, Archon of Song是MBTI中的ENFJ人格类型,九型中的4w3 - - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中类型。"


Sirin caused the death of more people before she was seven than most soldiers do in their entire careers. One of the few mages on Terratus who was born with magic, Sirin first displayed her abilities the first time she cried. Her parents quickly learned anyone who heard Sirin’s voice was compelled by the emotion behind it. Eventually, tales of Sirin’s voice reached Kyros, who knew that if this child truly was as powerful as everyone said, she could be a power tool for conquest. Using the Voices of Nerat, Kyros kidnapped Sirin from her family and delivered her to the royal court for training. Once she was deemed ready, she was given back to the Voices of Nerat to help the Scarlet Chorus in their recruiting efforts. From that point on, her voice was used to convince any and all to join the Scarlet Chorus and fight for Kyros. But Sirin knew that she — and her voice — were simply a means to an end and that the moment she stopped being useful, her life was forfeit.
