Serena White MBTI性格类型


"Serena White是什么人格? Serena White是MBTI中的INTP人格类型,九型中的9w1 - sp/sx - 964,五大类型中的RCUEN,Socionics中类型。"

she is the female lead and i think her mbti type is INTP


The protagonist of the series who trans-migrated into the body of the villainess, Serena. Before this trans-migration, she grew up as an unwanted child, adopted by a childless couple that eventually birthed their own. Being considered nothing but a caretaker for her younger sister, who fell ill at a young age, she felt that there was very little purpose to her existence beyond who she is in relation to her sister. When her sister finally succumbed to her illness before the age of 20, she was kicked out of her home, and feeling that she had no further purpose, she took her own life. Reincarnated as Serena, she seeks to fulfill Serena's final wish and deliver her a death in which she is kindly regarded by those around her and passes surrounded by loved ones.
