Timothy Bichboy MBTI性格类型


"Timothy Bichboy是什么人格? Timothy Bichboy是MBTI中的ESFJ人格类型,九型中的2w3 - sp/so - ,五大类型中的,Socionics中ESE类型。"

Comparison: "This type of E2 has an inordinately high criterion of competence, that is to say, a perfectionist and obsessive ideal self, which is what makes him so motor. This stems from a feeling of inferiority for not feeling loved and, on the contrary, abandonable. The difference with E4 is that he uses pride to get love and not to be abandoned. The conflict is that he lives comparing himself, disadvantageously and advantageously, with everyone. This fosters a disdainful attitude (raised nose), like royalty looking down on others." Would this not describe Timothy perfectly? He sacrifices his own needs and compares himself disadvantageously as an attempt to highlight his (false) humility and simultaneously uses that fact to point out how he is more loving empathetic, and all around just better in every way compared to other men, hence the "raised nose" attitude towards those he sees on a lower plain of morality that consistently shrouds him.


A character made by Cameron Geller.
